In 2016, I started a business with Eric Broughton and Andy Hamilton. In 2018, we sold it. By 2020, it ceased to exist. This is the story of that experience, told from my point of view. As of June 2022, I'm just getting started. The links below will populate as I publish each new installment. The outline is subject to change. Click here to start reading from the beginning.
Part 1: An Idea is Born, Neutered, and Born Again
- Some Origin Stories Begin with a Phone Call
- Hello, Rejection
- A Pre-Launch Pivot
- Kids Incorporating
- Lift-Off
Part 2: Courting Money (and an Industry's Reinvention)
- Dear Investors...
- Surveying the Landscape
- New Hope
Part 3: Acquisition and the Importance of Appearing Earnest
- Being Courted
- Our Team
- Our Technology
- Appearing Earnest
- Swallowed Whole
Part 4: The VRBO Years. Or the Expedia Years? Wait. Who are We?
- The Dream of What we Might Become
- Quagmires and Stuff
- Ending on a High Note (or the Pursuit of Scale)
Part 5: The Decline and Fall of the Whole Damned World
- 2020. Enough Said.
- New leadership. Reorgs. Oh, and a Global Pandemic.
- Saying Goodbye