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Kevin Koperski

212 posts

'Think Again' by Adam Grant

'Think Again' by Adam Grant

05.16.2022 - The One with the Covid

'Becoming' by Michelle Obama

'Becoming' by Michelle Obama

Remembering My History with the TV Sitcom Wings 25 Years After its Final Flight

Remembering My History with the TV Sitcom Wings 25 Years After its Final Flight

'This Bright Future: A Memoir' by Bobby Hall

'This Bright Future: A Memoir' by Bobby Hall

The New YouTube Channel is Official

The New YouTube Channel is Official

Getting Serious(er) About Flight

Getting Serious(er) About Flight

'Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying' by Wolfgang Langewiesche

'Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying' by Wolfgang Langewiesche