2015 - My Year in Books
Every year, I set myself a two-books-per-month reading goal. It’s a pace I can hit without too much trouble, and it allows me time to navigate some of the 1000 page behemoths hoarding space on the to-be-read shelf.
In 2015, I managed to read thirty books. Some were fantastic. Others were boring. Most were educational in some sense. I’m not much of a critic or reviewer. Any book that holds my attention to the end must impart some knowledge, even if it that knowledge concerns effective fiction pacing.
Below is my 2015 reading list. I like keeping a record of when I read certain books. Often it results in comments like, “Wow, it’s been ten years since I read that? I still remember every word.” Other times the comments are like, “It’s only been two years since I read that? I don’t remember a thing about it. Not sure I read it, but why would someone have hidden it on my bookshelf?”
I also want to include links to each book. For authors and bookstores alike, links are never bad. If I steer even one reader their way, I’ll consider it a success. For digital, I’ll go with Kindle, because it’s the most popular format and is what I prefer. For hardcover/paperback, I’ll link to my favorite independent bookstore, the Book Cellar in Chicago.
So, without further ado, my 2015 reading list, in reading order:
The Innovators by Walter Isaacson
Kindle | Book Cellar
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot by David Shafer
Kindle | Book Cellar
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
Kindle | Book Cellar
Things a Little Bird Told Me by Biz Stone
Kindle | Book Cellar
The Book of Strange New Things by Michael Faber
Kindle | Book Cellar
How to Fly a Horse by Kevin Ashton
Kindle | Book Cellar
Dead Wake by Erik Larson
Kindle | Book Cellar
J by Howard Jacobson
Kindle | Book Cellar
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro
Kindle | Book Cellar
The Monopolists by Mary Pilon
Kindle | Book Cellar
Sleeping Late on Judgement Day by Tad Williams
Kindle | Book Cellar
Holy Cow by David Duchovny
Kindle | Book Cellar
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Kindle | Book Cellar
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate by Naomi Klein
Kindle | Book Cellar
Seveneves by Neal Stephenson
Kindle | Book Cellar
The Third Reich at War by Richard J Evans
Kindle | Book Cellar
How Music Got Free by Stephen Witt
Kindle | Book Cellar
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
Kindle | Book Cellar
Armada by Ernest Kline
Kindle | Book Cellar
Napoleon by Andrew Roberts
Kindle | Book Cellar
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
Kindle | Book Cellar
The Wright Brothers by David McCullough
Kindle | Book Cellar
Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry by Jacquie McNish
Kindle | Book Cellar
One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon by Tim Weiner
Kindle | Book Cellar
Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig
Kindle | Book Cellar
Igniting the American Revolution by Derek W Beck
Kindle | Book Cellar
How Star Wars Conquered the Universe by Chris Taylor
Kindle | Book Cellar
Pacific by Simon Winchester
Kindle | Book Cellar
What We’re Fighting For Now is Each Other: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Climate Justice by Wen Stephenson
Kindle | Book Cellar