Old Endeavors Forged Anew
Circumstances change. Life events happen. Inevitably, we redesign our websites.
So here I am writing from San Francisco, launching a redesigned website (which still needs some polish), and preparing to embark on several new endeavors, which are basically old endeavors begun anew.
On the website front, I've abandoned Wordpress for a much more powerful solution: Webflow. I've designed and/or built dozens and dozens of websites the past 20 years. I've written simple html sites from scratch and single-handedly built complete ecommerce solutions. Most tools simplify certain tasks while restricting other controls. Webflow gives me greater design control without the need to build APIs and wire up data sources for blogs (and the forthcoming store!). Right now, I'm a Webflow fan. It's not without its quirks, though, which may lead to a blog post. Yay for content ideas!
Beyond the website, life advances at a hectic pace. Along with two co-founders, I started a business in 2016 and sold it to Expedia 18 months ago. Incidentally, that was effectively the end of my blog updates due to the ensuing madness. Until now.
Work is challenging, and it occupies most of my time, especially given the wild circumstances post-acquisition. Those stories seem worthy of a few blog posts, because I've learned lessons others might benefit from or relate to. Expect a few new business related posts to be forthcoming, or maybe a book, or perhaps both? You'll need to wait and see, I guess.
I've traveled a bit since the acquisition. Prague, London, Austin, Seattle, San Francisco. I'll post videos of those trips soon. I've reawakened my fascination with videography. I love shooting and editing, which is another way of making stuff. I still love making stuff. That hasn't changed.
The kids are both driving now, and one is off to college in the Fall. I've been adding my old parenting posts to this site, and I hope to revisit a few of them from a different perspective. Having teenagers produces just as much blogging material as does having toddlers.
New business ideas percolate. Old novel ideas surface. Life constantly delivers new surprises to thwart all plans.
So here's the new website. Step one of my master plan, which is better than no progress at all. More details to come. And as always, thanks for your interest.